Ford make a pompous version of the F-150 for ‘Rocket League’
At the point when most video game developers partner with automakers to bring true cars into their game, they will in general zero in on vehicles the greater part of us can just seek to claim. Not so with Rocket League engineer Psyonix. Straight from its new cooperation with the NFL, the studio is joining forces with Ford to bring the F-150 into its game.
The truck looks probably as flashy as you would anticipate. It's likewise a shape that most Rocket League players don't care for, however as the world's most famous truck, you need to envision a lot of individuals will be into it.
You'll get the opportunity to get it temporarily between February twentieth and February 28th. The Ford F-150 RLE group will interfere with you 1,500 credits.
It incorporates the actual truck, two arra...